Corn Comments: DaNita Murray and the Farm Bill 4.0
Welcome to Corn Comments! I'm DaNita Murray, South Dakota Corn Executive Director. We are brought to you by the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council, a volunteer group of farmers who promote corn marketing in this state, the U.S., and around the globe.
Hearings for the 2023 farm bill continue on both the Senate and House side of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member John Bozeman from Arkansas has stated that he will not vote for a farm bill unless it increases reference prices, a definitive statement about the farm safety net and changes that he is supportive of as grower leaders, including the National Corn Growers Association, provide testimony to the hill.
Other topics such as a mandatory base acre update continue to be discussed as potential policy initiatives that would affect South Dakota farmers and across the country. There’s clearly a ways to go yet before the 2023 farm bill process is complete. Thanks for listening!