Grain Bins
Corn comments podcast2

Corn Comments: Endangered Species Act

Welcome to Corn Comments! I'm DaNita Murray, Executive Director of South Dakota Corn. We are brought to you by the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council, a volunteer group of farmers who promote corn marketing in this state, the U.S., and around the globe.

In March, the SDCUC along with SD Soybean and SD Wheat Growers will host Tom Gere, with the SD Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, to discuss with farmers the new Endangered Species Act requirements for crop protection products being implemented through pesticide labels. Mark your calendar for Mar. 10 in Pierre at the Ramkota beginning at noon for lunch and presentation to follow; Mar. 12 in Sioux Falls at the Ramkota in Amphitheater 1 at 11:00 a.m. with lunch to follow; and Mar. 14 in Aberdeen at the Dakota Event Center, Missouri Room, at noon for lunch and presentation to follow.

See you at one of these locations to learn more about the EPA’s new requirements for crop protection under the Endangered Species Act.