Grain Bins
Corn comments podcast2

Corn Comments: Mental Health featuring Karl Oehlke from Avera Behavioral Health

Welcome to Corn Comments! I'm Karl Oehlke, from Avera Behavioral Health. We are brought to you by the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council, a volunteer group of farmers who promote corn marketing in this state, the U.S., and around the globe.

Fall is historically a wonderful time of year for agricultural producers to reap the benefits of months of hard work. Bushels of corn, soybeans, or wheat filling a combine hopper or weaning a healthy herd of spring calves can be very rewarding.

Unfortunately, the stressors of growing these commodities such as loss of production due to catastrophic weather events, high input costs, inflation and eroding commodity prices can become overwhelming. The isolation, fear, guilt and stigma that mental illness induces can be crippling, but know you are not alone when it comes to the detrimental mental health impacts of production agriculture.

As a regional leader in mental health awareness, education, advocacy, and treatment, Avera’s team of mental health professionals can help cultivate a seed of hope and well-being for you or your loved ones.

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health concerns or suicidal thoughts please call the Avera Farm and Rural Health Stress Hotline at 1-800-691-4336 or the national Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 to start a potentially life-saving conversation.

On behalf of the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council and Avera Behavioral Health, have a safe harvest!