2024 Commodity Classic Report
A super-charged agricultural event, the Commodity Classic hosted a record-breaking crowd of more than 11,000 farmers from across the nation in Houston, TX ...
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The wife has been gone for a few days visiting our daughter so I have been down to visiting with our two dogs in the evenings. It has made me realize how much I miss my wife when she’s gone, and made me stop and reflect on how we communicate here on the farm. For those of you non-ag related people you will probably in all your married life never have the opportunity to communicate with your spouse like we do on the farm. So for your enjoyment I have included a list of my favorites here, I have included an explanation with some of those that I felt needed it.
1. Hey your birthday is next week, how ’bout I buy you those Mud Boots for your birthday!
2. Hey I think we can combine today, can you run grain cart. Oh when you come can you bring me some lunch.
3. You’re already south of town? Can you go back to C&B and pick up a part. I’ll call and they’ll have it ready.
4. Hey the radiator is bad on the combine. The closest place that has one is Beresford; if you leave right now I think you can make it by closing. I talked to some guy in parts and he said he could stick around for a bit if you were running late, just give him a call if you aren’t going to make it by 6:00. I forgot his name.
5. Hey we haven’t done anything in a while, you wanna grab a couple beers and come with me to tag calves this evening? Oh you better wear your Mud Boots!
6. I’m bringing you a calf, he’s pretty cold, I’ll leave him in the mud room, see what you can do! (which means pretend you are Jesus Christ and the calf is Lazarus, I’ll be back in 3 hours to take him back to the cow).
7. It’s been a long day of harvest, just call up to “Buzzards” and get a pizza to go; we won’t even stop at home to clean up because we are getting it to go. (Which means we’ll go in and run into somebody we know, have a couple beers and eat our “to go” pizza out of the box at a table.)
8. Make sure and ask that trucker how he wants to be loaded. Ya I’ll call and tell him to chill out and that you know how to run that tractor and grain cart better than he does!
9. Can you come run the 4-wheeler. I need you to keep a cow off of me while I tag her calf. Oh ya you might need your Mud Boots!
10. End of the Day --- Me---“love you”, Her--- “love you too”.
Life would get awfully long if we couldn’t laugh at ourselves and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be laughing with than my wife!
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A super-charged agricultural event, the Commodity Classic hosted a record-breaking crowd of more than 11,000 farmers from across the nation in Houston, TX ...
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