Grain Bins


Study Shows Corn Farming Becoming More Sustainable

Posted on July 12, 2012

In a news release today from Field to Market Report, new statistics were released which revealed that modern farming practices involving corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cotton and potatoes continue to become more and more sustainable.

When specifically talking about corn, the study discovered that in the last 30 years corn farmers have…

    • decreased land use per bushel by 30%
    • cut soil erosion per bushel by 67%
    • reduced irrigation per bushel by 53%
    • lowered energy use per bushel by 43%
    • lessened greenhouse gas emissions per bushel by 36%

At the same time, corn increased 101 percent in total production and 64 percent in yield bushels per acre.

These stats continue to support South Dakota Corn’s message that farmers are the True Environmentalists who proceed to Grow More while Using Less, the true definition of sustainable agriculture.

To check out the study for yourself, click on the link below:

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