8/6/2024 Joint SDCGA + SDCUC Board Meeting
Official Notice of Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 6, 2024SD Corn Utilization Council
SD Corn Utilization Council
Board of Directors
Joint SDCUC + SDCGA Board Meeting
POET Bioproducts Center
2405 Research Park Way
Brookings, SD 57006
Dress Attire: Business Casual
Meeting Agenda
8:30 AM Joint Executive Committee Meeting, Dakota BioWorx Conference Room
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Call to Order
- Roll Calls
- Agenda Approvals
- Approval of Financials, Michael Schelling, Dakota CPA
- SDCGA Q4 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
- SDCUC Q4 Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
- Approval of Minutes
- June 18, 2024, SDCGA Board Meeting Minutes
- June 20, 2024, SDCUC Board Meeting Minutes
- Staff Updates
- Dakota Lakes research update
- USDA presentation voluntary carbon credits
- USD Ag Law student presentation
- November ballot issue (SDCGA)
LUNCH at noon
- Department of Revenue
- Brookings County Director of Equalization
- Discussion (optional)
- Other Business
- Public Comment
- Executive Session (if needed)
- Adjourn