Grain Bins

8/6/2024 Joint SDCGA + SDCUC Board Meeting

Official Notice of Board Meeting

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

SD Corn Utilization Council
Board of Directors

Joint SDCUC + SDCGA Board Meeting

POET Bioproducts Center

2405 Research Park Way

Brookings, SD 57006


Dress Attire: Business Casual

Meeting Agenda

8:30 AM Joint Executive Committee Meeting, Dakota BioWorx Conference Room

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Call to Order
  3. Roll Calls
  4. Agenda Approvals
  5. SDSU
  6. Approval of Financials, Michael Schelling, Dakota CPA
    1. SDCGA Q4 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
    2. SDCUC Q4 Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenue, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
  7. Approval of Minutes
    1. June 18, 2024, SDCGA Board Meeting Minutes
    2. June 20, 2024, SDCUC Board Meeting Minutes
  8. Staff Updates
  9. Dakota Lakes research update
  10. USDA presentation voluntary carbon credits
  11. USD Ag Law student presentation
  12. November ballot issue (SDCGA)

LUNCH at noon

  1. Department of Revenue
  2. Brookings County Director of Equalization
  3. Discussion (optional)
  4. Other Business
  5. Public Comment
  6. Executive Session (if needed)
  7. Adjourn