$100,000 Gift from the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council to Feeding South Dakota Will Help Fight Child Hunger
Posted on January 23, 2023
January 23, 2023
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.–On Saturday, the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council presented a $100,000 check to Feeding South Dakota. The funds will be used to support the food bank’s School Pantry Program.
Council President Chad Blindauer said, “No child should go hungry. We chose to support the School Pantries with this donation because it’s important to invest in our future generation, ensuring they have the nutrition they need to thrive.”
In South Dakota, one in six children face hunger putting them at risk of struggling in school, having social and behavioral issues, and experiencing long-term health conditions. The School Pantry Program combats child hunger by providing free food to children and their families in an easily accessible location.
The South Dakota Corn Utilization Council presents a $100,000 check to Feeding South Dakota
“Our ability to put food on the tables of those facing hunger starts with the work of our South Dakota Farmers,” shared Lori Dykstra, CEO of Feeding South Dakota. “Not only does this generous gift support an important initiative for our organization, it also makes a life-long impact on students by creating access to nutritional foods that encourage a healthy diet.”
The pantries provide non-perishable and perishable foods such as meat, dairy, bread, eggs and produce. Feeding South Dakota currently supports 6 school pantries, providing food and oversight while school staff run the pantry. Thus far in the 2022-2023 school year the pantries have been visited 4,400 times by children, providing over 54,000 meals for their families.
To learn more about Feeding South Dakota’s Child Hunger programs visit www.feedingsouthdakota.org
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