Have you received a letter from VeraSun?
Hundreds of growers across the state of South Dakota and thousands across the nation have received letters from a law firm asking for the repayment of ...
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Growers who have sold grain to VeraSun may have received letters asking for a repayment of funds due to “bankruptcy preference.” In response to questions raised by growers, the South Dakota Corn Growers Association is working with the National Corn Growers Association to provide a two-page guide to responding. It does not constitute legal advice; growers are urged to consult an attorney should they need additional consultation. Click here for the document.
Iowa State University analysis link : http://www.calt.iastate.edu/briefs/CALT%20Legal%20Brief%20-%20Verasun-Trustee%20Recovery.pdf
The South Dakota Corn Growers Association cannot give you legal advice, but we will be sharing information with corn growers and the public as it becomes available.
For more information contact Lisa Richardson, Executive Director 605-334-0100
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Hundreds of growers across the state of South Dakota and thousands across the nation have received letters from a law firm asking for the repayment of ...
continue readingCorn Comments with Jim Woster.
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