Corn Comments: Power Line Safety featuring Chris Studer of East River Electric
Welcome to Corn Comments! I'm Chris Studer, from East River Electric. We are brought to you by the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council, a volunteer group of farmers who promote corn marketing in this state, the U.S., and around the globe.
Time is a precious commodity, especially during harvest. However, cutting safety corners while harvesting around power lines can be deadly. Here are a few helpful tips to keep you safe.
First, look up to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Then, check your equipment. It’s important that your machinery has enough clearance under power lines.
If you hit a power line… don’t run… stay put… and call 911.
If you must leave the equipment due to fire, tuck your arms across your body and jump with your feet together as far as possible from the equipment so no part of your body touches the equipment and the ground at the same time. Hop – with your feet together - at least forty feet away.
Do not approach your machinery again until utility crews and emergency responders tell you it is safe.
On behalf of the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council and East River Electric, have a safe harvest!