SD Corn serves up sweet corn at State Fair Value-Added Day
South Dakota Corn will serve up complimentary Sweet Corn from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. during Value Added Agriculture Day at the South Dakota State Fair on Aug. ...
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The South Dakota Corn Growers Association (SDCGA) will host two show plot tours, highlighting the unique growing conditions and varietal response in separate areas of the state.
“The SDCGA showplot program is designed to provide unbiased information about how different corn varieties perform under the season’s growing conditions at strategic locations throughout the state,” said Bryan Jorgensen, SDCGA director and participant in the Showplot program.
The plot tours on tap this year will showcase the growing conditions at Bryan Jorgensen of Ideal, S.D. and Bill Chase of Wolsey, S.D. Agronomists and seed company representatives will be on hand at the events to visit with producers and to answer questions.
Aug. 28, 4:00 pm, Ideal, SD
Bryan Jorgensen’s showplot is located: From Ideal 1 mile North, ½ mile East on the south side of the road across from Jorgensen Land & Cattle farm headquarters. Get a chance to see how different seed companies and over 30 Hybrids perform in your area. Dinner to Follow.
Aug. 30 5:00 pm, Following Value Added Day at the State Fair, Huron.
Bill Chase’s plot is located: 7 1/4 miles west of the Hwy 14 & 37 intersection on Hwy 14 on the South side of the road. An agronomist will be on hand to talk about 2007 growing season. Dinner to Follow.
Contact the SDCGA at 605-334-0100 for more information.
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South Dakota Corn will serve up complimentary Sweet Corn from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. during Value Added Agriculture Day at the South Dakota State Fair on Aug. ...
continue readingThe U.S. House of Representatives today set the stage for continued action towards achieving a new farm bill policy by passing its version of the 2007 ...
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