Grain Bins


Taiwan Trade Team to visit SD

Posted on October 17, 2012

In an effort to continue building relationships with customers around the globe, South Dakota Corn will be hosting a United States Grains Council trade team of eight men and women from Taiwan.

The team will be traveling through South Dakota the next couple of days touring South Dakota State University, Dakota Ethanol, farms and an elevator. The team’s focus will be on this year’s corn quality and the feeding of dried distillers grains to livestock and poultry.

The group is made up of individuals who make management and purchasing decisions at import, supply and feeding operations in Taiwan.

The group will visit SDSU, Dakota Ethanol and Keith Alverson’s farm near Chester on Thursday.

On Friday, the group will visit Oaklane Hutterite Colony outside Alexandria, Cargill in Emery and Mark Gross’s farm near Bridgewater, SD.

“Our friends from Taiwan are very interested in learning more about our corn crop and distillers grains feeding practices,” said Executive Director of South Dakota Corn, Lisa Richardson. “We look forward to showing them that South Dakota famers can be a reliable partner in providing high-quality feed sources year after year.”

“These relationships pay long-term dividends to our state’s growers and visits like this would not be possible without Farm Bill programs which are presently set to expire.”

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