Study Shows Corn Farming Becoming More Sustainable
In a news release today from Field to Market Report, new statistics were released which revealed that modern farming practices involving corn, soybeans, ...
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After swiftly passing through the United States Senate, the 2012 Farm Bill now lies in the hands of the House of Representatives. Progress is underway today as the House Ag Committee has started to address the 100 amendments that have been brought forward on the bill.
The pressure is on as the 2008 Farm Bill expires on September 30th of this year, which has farmers and numerous ag groups united on a simple message; pass a Farm Bill Now.
“It is absolutely critical that we get a Farm Bill Now,” said South Dakota Corn Growers Association President Mark Gross, a farmer and rancher from Bridgewater. “Our farmers need the ability to make long-term decisions in order to stay competitive, and with so much uncertainty those decisions are hindered. Congress needs to reassure South Dakota’s farmers by passing a common-sense Farm Bill this year.”
To add to the importance of renewed farm policy, drought conditions continue to sweep across the country, hindering production potential. Congress needs to show its support for farmers who experience crop losses because of adverse weather by supporting strong crop insurance and risk management tools.
But this goes well beyond farming; close to 80% of the Farm Bill is dedicated to nutrition programs helping to feed those less fortunate. Other programs within the bill go to protect our land, air and water. Most importantly, the Farm Bill ensures that all Americans have access to a safe, affordable and abundant food supply.
Make your voice heard. Contact your Representative by clicking on the link below and encourage them to pass a Farm Bill this year.
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In a news release today from Field to Market Report, new statistics were released which revealed that modern farming practices involving corn, soybeans, ...
continue reading*This post is from South Dakota Corn Growers VP, Keith Alveron’s Keloland Column. With a growing majority of people being two or more generations ...
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